Introductory R for Social Sciences - Session 3

Bella Ratmelia

Today’s Outline

  1. Introduction to RMarkdown and Quarto
  2. Data Visualization in ggplot

What is Quarto? What is Markdown?

Markdown (Specifically, R Markdown)

  • Markdown is a lightweight markup language that provides a simple and readable way to write formatted text without using complex HTML or LaTeX. It is designed to make authoring content easy for everyone!

    • Markdown files can be converted into HTML or other formats.
    • Generic Markdown file will have .md extension.
  • R Markdown is an extension of Markdown that incorporates R code chunks and allows you to create dynamic documents that integrate text, code, and output (such as tables and plots).

    • RMarkdown file will have .Rmd extension.

How it all works:

Illustration by Allison Horst (


  • Quarto is a multi-language, next-generation version of R Markdown from Posit and includes dozens of new features and capabilities while at the same being able to render most existing Rmd files without modification.

Illustration by Allison Horst (

R Scripts vs Quarto

R Scripts

  • Great for quick debugging, experiment

  • Preferred format if you are archiving your code to GitHub or data repository

  • More suitable for “production” tasks e.g. automating your data cleaning and processing, custom functions, etc.


  • Great for report and presentation to showcase your research insights/process as it integrates code, narrative text, visualizations, and results.

  • Very handy when you need your report in multiple format, e.g. in Word and PPT.

Let’s create our first Quarto document!

  1. Go to File > New File > Quarto Document
  2. Put any title you like, and put your name as the author
  3. Check HTML as the end result for now
  4. Click on Create!
  5. Optional: collapse the console and environment tab (bottom left and top right) to make it easier to view the quarto document and the output.
  6. Quarto Tour + Hands On! (Open this cheatsheet on another tab if you’d like!). We will explore how to:
    1. Add narrative text
    2. Add code chunks
    3. Add math formulas with LaTeX
    4. Add citations (you need to have Zotero installed)

Rendering Quarto to HTML, Word, and PDF

You can change the final result of rendering in the YAML section of your document.

  1. Rendering to HTML is the default option.
    • You can also render as presentation (fun fact: my slides is made from Quarto!)
  2. Rendering to Word: You have to have MS Word installed in your laptop
  3. Rendering to PDF: If you encounter an error when converting your result to PDF, the faster (and easier) alternative is to render your doc to Word, and save to PDF from there.

Data Visualization in ggplot

From this point until session 4 and 5, we will use Quarto document for our hands on and exercise!

Loading the data

Generate a new R code chunk in your quarto document. Put the following code to load the CSV into a new tibble called fs_data.

# import tidyverse library

# read the CSV with scores
fs_data <- read_csv("data-output/faculty_eval_with_scores.csv")

# peek at the data, pay attention to the data types!

Visualizing data with ggplot

  • ggplot is plotting package that is included inside tidyverse package

  • works best with data in the long format, i.e., a column for all the dimensions/measures and another column for the value for each dimension/measure.

ggplot documentation link

Anatomy of ggplot code

  • Charts built with ggplot must include the following:

    • Data - the dataframe/tibble to visualize.

    • Aesthetic mappings (aes) - describes which variables are mapped to the x, y axes, alpha (transparency) and other visual aesthetics.

    • Geometric objects (geom) - describes how values are rendered; as bars, scatterplot, lines, etc.

fs_data %>% # the data
    ggplot(aes(x = teaching.2023, y = teaching.2020)) + # the mappings
    geom_point() # the geom object

Going back to our data

Our PI has asked us to generate visualizations to address these questions:

Univariate visualizations:

  1. What’s the distribution of faculty for each rank?
  2. What’s the distribution of salary of our faculty?

Bivariate/multivariate visualizations:

  1. Compare the distribution of salary across faculty rank
  2. Visualize and explore the relationship between yrs.service and salary. Don’t forget to label the graph!
  3. Are there any outliers in the TEARS score in 2023?
  4. Explore the mean for each feedback questions (Q1 to Q5). Group the results by rank.


A strategy I’d like to recommend: briefly read over the ggplot2 documentation and have them open on a separate tab. Figure out the type of variables you need to visualize (discrete or continuous) to quickly identify which visualization would make sense.

Task #1: distribution of faculty ranks

What’s the distribution of faculty for each rank?

# simple bar chart 
fs_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = rank)) +
    geom_bar(fill = "pink") 

Task #2: distribution of faculty salary

What’s the distribution of salary of our faculty?

# histogram
fs_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = salary)) +
    geom_histogram(color = "black", fill = "lightblue") 

Task #3: salary across rank

Compare the distribution of salary across faculty rank.

# boxplot layered with scatterplot
fs_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = rank, y = salary)) +
    geom_boxplot() + 

Anatomy of a boxplot

Image source:

Task #4: relationship between yrs.service and salary

Visualize and explore the distribution of yrs.service and salary. Do you see any trend or differences between discipline? Don’t forget to label the graph!

We can layer two (or more) geom objects!

Use labs to specify the title, axis labels, subtitles, captions, etc.

# scatterplot with trendline
fs_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = yrs.service, y = salary, 
               color = discipline, 
               shape = discipline)) +
    geom_jitter() +
    geom_smooth(method = "lm") + 
    labs(x = "Years of Service", 
          y = "Salary (in USD)",
          title ="A Distribution of years of service and salary",
          subtitle = "Comparison between disciplines",
          caption = "Salary is a 3-year average from 2020 to 2023 in USD")

The result:

Task #5: Outliers in 2023 TEARS score

Are there any outliers in the TEARS score in 2023? (hint: you would need the long data format for this to be easier!)

If we take a look at the end result that we want, there are 3 variables/columns (research.2023, teaching.2023, service.2023) that we need to visualize in the X-axis. But as we already know, the x parameter inside ggplot can only accept one column!

This code below will produce a very odd-looking graph which is totally not what we want.

fs_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = research.2023)) + 

This means we need to “squish” all the columns/variable that we want into a single column, so that we can assign that to the x axis. Same goes to the values for each of that variable; we need them in a single column as well and we will assign that to the y axis.

This shape is refers to “long” data shape.

Step 1: let’s transform the data shape into a long format and save it to a separate dataframe called tears_data.

tears_data <- fs_data %>% 
    select(pid, research.2023, teaching.2023, service.2023) %>%
        cols = c(research.2023, teaching.2023, service.2023),
        names_to = "indicator.year",
        values_to = "score"

# A tibble: 1,200 × 3
   pid      indicator.year score
   <chr>    <chr>          <dbl>
 1 5LJVA1YT research.2023   79.3
 2 5LJVA1YT teaching.2023   81.9
 3 5LJVA1YT service.2023    56.5
 4 0K5IFNJ3 research.2023   87.1
 5 0K5IFNJ3 teaching.2023   83.8
 6 0K5IFNJ3 service.2023    80.7
 7 PBTVSOUY research.2023   79.6
 8 PBTVSOUY teaching.2023   76.7
 9 PBTVSOUY service.2023    81.0
10 FJ32GPV5 research.2023   78.9
# ℹ 1,190 more rows

Step 2: Now that the variables that we want are all in a single column called indicator.year, we can visualize this more easily!

tears_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = indicator.year, 
               y = score)) + 
    geom_boxplot()  + 
    labs(x = "TEARS 2023", 
          y = "Score",
          title ="Score distribution of 2023 TEARS metrics")

The result:

Task #6: Mean score for each feedback question

Explore the mean for each feedback questions (Q1 to Q5). Optional: Group the results by rank.

Step 1: Notice that we need to put multiple variables Q1-Q5 in the x axis again. We can use the strategy that we used on Task #5 earlier here, which is to squish all the columns that we want into a long data format.

fs_data %>% 
    select(pid, Q1:Q5, rank) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5"),
                 names_to = "question",
                 values_to = "response")
# A tibble: 2,000 × 4
   pid      rank  question response
   <chr>    <chr> <chr>       <dbl>
 1 5LJVA1YT prof  Q1              3
 2 5LJVA1YT prof  Q2              3
 3 5LJVA1YT prof  Q3              5
 4 5LJVA1YT prof  Q4              4
 5 5LJVA1YT prof  Q5              4
 6 0K5IFNJ3 prof  Q1              4
 7 0K5IFNJ3 prof  Q2              5
 8 0K5IFNJ3 prof  Q3              4
 9 0K5IFNJ3 prof  Q4              5
10 0K5IFNJ3 prof  Q5              4
# ℹ 1,990 more rows

Step 2: Then, once all the variables Q1-Q5 are we can use group_by to group the values in the squished column, and use summarise to use calculate the mean for each of these groupings and save it into mean_score column.

fs_data %>% 
    select(pid, Q1:Q5, rank) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5"),
                 names_to = "question",
                 values_to = "response") %>% 
    group_by(question, rank) %>% 
    summarise(mean_score = mean(response)) 
# A tibble: 15 × 3
# Groups:   question [5]
   question rank      mean_score
   <chr>    <chr>          <dbl>
 1 Q1       assocprof       4.15
 2 Q1       asstprof        4.40
 3 Q1       prof            4.35
 4 Q2       assocprof       3.74
 5 Q2       asstprof        3.76
 6 Q2       prof            3.71
 7 Q3       assocprof       3.91
 8 Q3       asstprof        3.91
 9 Q3       prof            3.87
10 Q4       assocprof       4.12
11 Q4       asstprof        3.84
12 Q4       prof            3.89
13 Q5       assocprof       3.82
14 Q5       asstprof        4.06
15 Q5       prof            4.01

Step 3: Remember to save all of these wranglings into a new data frame! let’s call it fs_data_mean

fs_data_mean <- fs_data %>% 
    select(pid, Q1:Q5, rank) %>% 
    pivot_longer(cols = c("Q1", "Q2", "Q3", "Q4", "Q5"),
                 names_to = "question",
                 values_to = "response") %>% 
    group_by(question, rank) %>% 
    summarise(mean_score = mean(response)) 

We should be able to visualize fs_data_mean using ggplot now. To break the graph into smaller plots, we can use facet_wrap (refer to the cheatsheet for more details)

fs_data_mean %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = question, y = mean_score, fill = question)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
    facet_wrap( ~ rank)

Group Exercises (solo attempts ok)

  1. Explore relationship between with score.2023. Is there a trend or relationship there and does the trend differ between different rank?
  2. Visualize the distribution of salary across different sex with a violin plot.

Make sure to give the graph proper title and labels on both axis!

Question #1 answer

fs_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = score.2023, y =, 
               color = rank)) +
    geom_jitter() +
    geom_smooth(method = "lm")

Question #2 answer

fs_data %>% 
    ggplot(aes(x = sex, y = salary)) +
    geom_violin() +

Strategy for data visualization with ggplot

  1. Have the ggplot documentation/cheatsheet open
  2. Decide on how many variables are involved. Is it just one? two? more than two?
  3. Determine whether the variables are categorical or continuous. If you have more than one, are they both categorical? one categorical + one continuous?
  4. Refer to the documentation to see which type of visualization would make sense for your variables.

End of Session 3!

Quarto cheatsheet also available here:

Check out the R Graph gallery for inspiration and code samples!

Next session: statistical tests in R (we will be using Quarto doc for session 4 and 5)